Urban Design - Transit Integration - Community Vision

Alameda Street Mobility


Client: LA County Metro

Alameda Project Walk


Cityworks Design

Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. (Prime)

This project will study multi-modal connections on Alameda Street over the US-101 Freeway between Commercial and Arcadia Streets, to close the gap between the Eastside Access Improvement Project and the Union Station Forecourt & Esplanade over US-101. The Eastside Access Improvement Project will create pedestrian and bicycle improvements on Alameda Street, south of US-101, toward the future Metro Little Tokyo/Arts District Station. The Union Station Forecourt & Esplanade will create a pedestrian and bicycle esplanade on Alameda Street along the Union Station frontage, north of US-101. 

Cityworks is providing Urban Design services for the development of design alternatives, and has helped facilitate a walking tour of the project area with stakeholders from La Plaza de Cultura y Artes, LA Walks, Little Tokyo Community Council to understand the community’s vision for improving safety, access and comfort for anyone walking, biking or rolling; improving mobility and safety on Alameda and surrounding streets and freeway access to improve the transit connections to LA Union Station.